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I Was Given My First Speeding Ticket! What Should I Ask an Attorney?

At the first “whoop whoop” of the sirens, your pulse starts to race in surprise. When you look up, flashing police lights dance in your rearview mirror. Your heart sinks.

With a tense grip on the steering wheel, you pull over and wait for the reporting officer to appear at your window, but your efforts to convince them you’re a safe, law-abiding driver don’t quite succeed.

If this sounds familiar, you might be fresh off of a first-time speeding ticket in Florida. Whether you’re a veteran driver or you’re new on the road, this event can be an alarming experience. Worse, the outcome is just as horrific: in Florida, a speeding ticket may run you anywhere from $50 to $680!

Because this is your first time facing this kind of charge, talking to an attorney is a smart move. Even if you’re on the fence about fighting your speeding ticket, scheduling a consultation can help you get answers about what to expect from your next steps. Here’s what to ask once you’ve come in for your scheduled appointment.

1. Should I Fight My First-Time Speeding Ticket in Florida?

During your consultation, ask whether the attorney thinks your ticket is worth fighting. The decision is up to you, but there are a few situations where it’s a good idea to fight a traffic ticket.

If this is your first traffic ticket in general, fighting can be a good way to keep your driving record clean. This can ensure that you pay lower auto insurance rates than other drivers. Prosecutors and judges may be more likely to go easy on you if this is your first ticket on an otherwise spotless record.

Fighting a speeding ticket may also help if you already have other violations under Florida’s traffic ticket points system. Accumulating 12 points in 12 months means an automatic 30-day license suspension, and speeding can accrue between 3-6 points, depending on how fast you were going. Fighting your ticket can ensure that you retain the use of your license.

You should also fight if the details on the ticket don’t match your memory of the event. If you don’t believe you were speeding or you think the police officer caught the wrong car, for example, be sure to bring this up with your attorney.

2. Will I Have to Appear in Traffic Court?

In the state of Florida, you have to appear in court for any speeding violation where you were driving 30 miles or more over the speed limit. Failing to appear can have severe consequences, especially if the police officer who ticketed you believes you were driving recklessly.

However, you should also appear in court for any speeding ticket you want to fight.

If you work a full-time job, getting off of work to come to court can be frustrating. Fortunately, Florida law allows you to hire a lawyer to represent you in court. This counts as your appearance in court, as the lawyer will argue on your behalf.

3. What Kind of Legal Experience Do You Have?

If you’re meeting with multiple law firms for consultations, you’ll want to ask about each lawyer’s experience. Don’t select the first traffic ticket attorney you find online!

Having a rookie lawyer on your side is better than nothing, but it won’t ensure a high chance of getting your ticket dismissed in court. You should look for a firm with qualified traffic ticket lawyers who have years of experience handling cases like yours.

Ask the firm what the usual outcome is for their cases. Make sure the attorney has experience working with drivers in the city where you were ticketed, as minute legal details can change between municipalities. In addition, a lawyer with experience in your area may be more familiar with the judges who will handle your case.

4. How Much Will Your Services Cost?

The price tag can be a major factor in any driver’s decision.

Ask the lawyer how much they charge to work on your case. Some firms may charge their clients a flat fee, while others may charge by the hour. You may pay more based on a firm’s location, reputation, and any travel time for the lawyer to reach the court.

The attorney may not be able to give you an exact quote for your case, but they should be able to estimate a price range based on similar cases they’ve worked on in the past.

On average, legal fees can range anywhere from $100-$500 throughout the state. You may have to pay more if your case is complex or if you have to go to trial.

This cost may seem expensive but don’t forget that you’ll have to pay much more if you don’t fight the speeding ticket. Though the details vary based on the details of the ticket, the cost of car insurance goes up by about 25% after a ticket.

This means the average driver will pay $546 more for insurance per year. The points you receive on your driver’s license will only “fall off” after three to five years, in most cases.

In other words, you can pay a one-time fee to a lawyer, or you could pay hundreds more on insurance for years to come.

5. Who Will Work on My Case?

If you’re working with a reputable legal firm, the chances are good that multiple associates will touch a single case. The attorney you speak to during your consultation may not always be the one who represents you in court.

This isn’t a bad thing, but you should still make sure you know who will be in charge of your case. Find out who will communicate with you and how. If you want only one attorney in charge, make sure to state this upfront.

Fight Your Traffic Ticket

Beating a first-time speeding ticket in Florida can be stressful and frustrating on your own. Worse, failing to beat the charge may mean higher car insurance premiums and even criminal charges in certain cases.

That’s where the team at RHINO Lawyers comes in. Our passion is helping drivers get their tickets dismissed: no court, no points, or your money back. Contact us today for a no-commitment, free case evaluation.


RHINO Lawyers can help and guide you through a system molded by law enforcement, judges, and lawyers for decades. Having won cases for our clients in similar circumstances, our criminal defense team knows what it takes to fight on your behalf.

Let RHINO Lawyers answer your questions and review the facts of your case with a Free Consultation. So, get started by completing the “Free Instant Case Evaluation” or by calling us any time, day or night, at (844) RHINO-77.
