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How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Record in Florida?

Getting a DUI in Florida can have a massive impact on your life and finances. You could face jail time, community service, and lose your driver’s license. And in addition to facing a hefty fine, it will probably increase your auto insurance by 61%.

Therefore, it’s natural to wonder how long this conviction will stay with you. Read on as we explore exactly how long it will remain on your criminal and driving records. We’ll also examine the impact of a driving under the influence conviction and what you can do about it.

DUI In Florida: A Conviction for Life

You read that right. A conviction for driving while intoxicated will remain on your criminal record for life. This is because, currently, under Florida state law, DUIs are not on the list of misdemeanor offenses that are eligible for expungement.

That said, if you have not yet been convicted of driving while intoxicated, there’s still hope. You may be able to get your charge reduced to a less serious traffic violation or even dismissed entirely. If you are convicted of a lesser offense, you may be able to seek an expungement in the future.

Other Consequences of a Florida DUI

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious traffic violation that puts lives at risk. Therefore, the penalties are severe.

Jail Time

After your arrest, you will probably spend the night in jail. After this, how much jail time you receive, if any, will depend on how many DUI convictions you have. Serious consequences —such as hit-and-runs, bodily injury, and death — carry much higher sentences.


Depending on the seriousness of the offense, fines can range from $500 up to $10,000.

Loss of License

Most DUIs result in the revocation of a person’s license for an extended period. However, in some cases, it may be possible to get a hardship license relatively quickly. These are issued if the loss of license would cause significant hardship.

With the help of a Florida DUI lawyer, it may be possible to restore your driving privileges sooner.

Criminal Record vs. Driving Record

In Florida, motorists have a driving record that is different from their criminal record (if they have one). A driving record includes information about your driving history, such as:

  • Moving and non-moving violations
  • Crashes for which you got a citation
  • Driving restrictions
  • License suspensions
  • Traffic school record

Insurance companies review your Florida driving record when deciding whether to insure you and how much to charge. Employers can also access it when deciding whether to give you access to company vehicles.

How Long Does a DUI Stay on My Florida Driving Record?

Here, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that a DUI in Florida does not stay on your driving record forever. The bad news is that it stays on for 75 years.

So if you get a DUI at age 20, you’ll finally get rid of it when you’re 95. We’re guessing by that point, your best driving years will be behind you.

Financial Ramifications of Florida DUI Law

Florida laws mean you’ll carry your DUI conviction basically for life. This will probably mean higher insurance premiums for the rest of your life.

The insurance industry does not look kindly on drivers who pose a high level of risk. If you’ve been convicted of driving under the influence, you have demonstrated that you pose a higher level of risk than other drivers. As you are more likely to cost them more, they will charge you more for car insurance.

Some insurance companies may even refuse to insure drivers with one or more DUI convictions. After a DUI, the State of Florida may also require you to carry an SR-22 or FR-44.

What Is an SR-22?

After being convicted of a serious traffic violation, a court of the state may require you to file an SR-22 to drive legally.

The SR-22 certifies that you have the legal minimum level of car insurance in Florida. Here are the current requirements:

  • One person – bodily injury and death coverage: $10,000
  • Two or more people – bodily injury and death coverage: $20,000
  • Property damage cover: $10,000

Following a DUI conviction, you will usually have to have SR-44 insurance for three years. Most states issue SR-44s after DUI offenses. However, in Florida, FR-44s are more commonly used.

Understanding FR-44

An FR-44 is a document that proves you have a higher level of insurance than is usually required in Florida. The current requirements are as follows:

  • One person – bodily injury and death coverage: $100,000
  • Two or more people – bodily injury and death coverage: $300,000
  • Property damage cover: $50,000

People with DUI convictions must usually carry FR-44 insurance for three years.

How to Avoid a DUI Conviction

Florida DUI law is some of the strictest in the entire country. The message is clear: You need to do everything you can to avoid getting a DUI conviction on your criminal record.

The first step is to seek qualified and experienced legal counsel as soon as possible. Their goal is to try to get your DUI downgraded to a lesser traffic violation or thrown out completely. Strategies include the following:

Reviewing the Arrest

They will look for any discrepancies in how the events leading up to your arrest and the arrest itself were handled.

Identifying Issues

They will look for weaknesses in the prosecution’s case. This could include chain of custody issues with blood tests and whether the breathalyzer equipment was accurate.

Finding Defense Strategies

Your lawyer may advise challenging the probable cause used to justify the stop. Negotiating a plea bargain to reduce the conviction to a lesser offense may be another option.

Get a Tough Defense From Thick-Skinned Lawyers

A DUI in Florida is something every driver needs to avoid. If not, the financial and other consequences can be severe.

If you are on the road to being convicted of driving under the influence, then take immediate action. The tough and experienced legal team at RHINO Lawyers has years of experience defending people in danger of DUI convictions.

Let us fight to get your conviction reduced or thrown out completely! Call 844.744.6677 to schedule a free case review, or get a free instant case evaluation online right now!


RHINO Lawyers can help and guide you through a system molded by law enforcement, judges, and lawyers for decades. Having won cases for our clients in similar circumstances, our criminal defense team knows what it takes to fight on your behalf.

Let RHINO Lawyers answer your questions and review the facts of your case with a Free Consultation. So, get started by completing the “Free Instant Case Evaluation” or by calling us any time, day or night, at (844) RHINO-77.
