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Debunking Myths about Florida Auto Injury Cases

Have you recently heard that car accidents are on the decline? Car accidents declined around the country during the early months of the pandemic, but we’ve seen a steady increase ever since. In fact, Tampa car accident rates exceed the state average year after year.

Is it possible that you believe other myths about car accidents, too? Unfortunately, misinformation regarding car accident injuries and auto accident injury cases abounds.

If you were recently in a car accident in Florida, it’s time to learn the facts. Read on as we debunk the most common myths we encounter as Florida auto accident attorneys.

Myth 1: You Can File a Claim at Any Time After an Accident

Many insurance policies allow you to file a claim for things like damage or theft years after the incident occurred. As a result, car accident victims often assume the same grace period is granted to file an auto accident claim.

The reality is that the clock is ticking as soon as the accident happens. For the majority of car accident victims, the statute of limitations is two years, meaning that you have two years from the accident to file your claim against the at-fault driver. In rare cases, the state may allow two years to file your claim from the point you discover how serious your car accident injuries are.

Myth 2: You Can’t Sue If You Bear Blame

Some car accidents are cut and dry when it comes to determining fault. For example, if a driver runs a red light and hits another driver who has the right of way, the first driver is at fault. What if both drivers made mistakes that led to the accident?

Florida is a pure comparative negligence state. That means that you can still file a claim if you bear the blame, but your compensation will reflect your level of blame. For example, you can file a claim for 70% of your damages if you bear 30% of the blame for the accident.

Myth 3: It’s Easy to Represent Yourself in Civil Cases

The civil court oversees cases involving financial compensation. The criminal court oversees cases involving crimes that are punishable by law (i.e., could result in jail time or other forms of punishment). One common myth is that civil cases are less serious and that plaintiffs can easily represent themselves.

The reality is that while the standards are different in civil claims, it still takes legal expertise to create an airtight case. You should always consult and hire an attorney before filing your claim.

Myth 4: Legal Fees Consume Compensation

Putting together auto accident injury cases takes expertise, as we mentioned already. It also takes time. Even if it were simple to file a car accident claim and receive due compensation, most plaintiffs would not want to put their entire lives on hold to do so.

Yet, many still consider the option, in part because they assume attorney fees will eat up their compensation. Different law firms have different payment models, but many will only take a moderate percentage of your compensation. At RHINO Lawyers, we only get paid if you get paid, and we never charge hidden fees.

Myth 5: You Can Only Recover Medical Expenses

Common types of auto accident injuries include whiplash, broken bones, head trauma, sprains, strains, and internal injuries. These injuries not only change auto accident victims’ lives but also create serious financial strain. As a result, medical expenses are a focal point of the compensation victims can fight for.

However, they’re not the only damages included in an auto accident claim. You can also sue for lost wages and property damage as well as intangible damages like pain and suffering. An experienced auto accident attorney can calculate your damages and argue for the maximum compensation possible.

Myth 6: Car Accident Claims Cause Bankruptcy for Defendants

After sustaining car accident injuries, you’re facing financial losses you weren’t prepared for. It’s reasonable that you wouldn’t want to put someone else through that. In fact, many people don’t file car accident claims because they feel uncomfortable with the thought of bankrupting the other driver.

It’s important to understand that in the vast majority of cases, the defendant won’t be compensating the plaintiff out of pocket. State law requires drivers to have insurance for things like property damage and personal injuries. In a sense, the defendant is the other driver’s insurance company, not the other driver.

Myth 7: There’s No Recourse If the Other Driver Is Uninsured

Though state law requires Florida drivers to carry active car insurance, the reality is that many don’t. Given what we’ve just said about who pays in a car accident claim, it’s unsurprising that victims often assume they can’t expect compensation from an uninsured driver.

Florida’s car accident laws can get a bit confusing because we’re technically a no-fault state. That means that for smaller sums of money, drivers receive compensation from their insurance regardless of fault, and only need to sue if the damages exceed their coverage. However, you may also have Uninsured Motorist coverage for these exact situations.

Myth 8: Any Lawyer You Know Can File Your Claim

Maybe you have a neighbor, relative, or friend from college who practices law. Could you call them up and ask them to file your auto accident claim for you? The short answer is yes, but it’s not a good idea unless they have years of dedicated experience in personal injury law.

Personal injury laws vary from state to state and can change from year to year. Lawyers who work in other areas of the law won’t be able to provide the insight you need to fight and win your case.

Florida Auto Injury Cases – Call RHINO Lawyers

Are you the victim of a car accident in Florida? Did you sustain serious life-altering injuries and other sources of financial strain? If so, leave the car accident claim myths in the past and call RHINO Lawyers.

Our attorneys have years of experience representing thousands of clients in cases just like yours in and around Tampa. With our track record and pricing model, we live by our value of changing lives. Start your free case consultation today.


In short, after a car accident, you may not know your rights. Above all, don’t struggle through the process alone. Actually, our personal injury team is here to help you with any legal needs you might have regarding your accident.

Lastly, let RHINO Lawyers answer your questions and review the facts of your case with a Free Consultation. So, get started by completing the “Free Instant Case Evaluation” or by calling us any time, day or night, at 844.RHINO.77.
