Si usted ha sido multado por no tener una licencia de conducir válida (NVDL), podemos ayudar.

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    Para empezar, cualquier persona que opere un vehículo de motor en el estado de Florida debe tener una licencia de conducir válida. Además, según la ley de Florida (322.03), no tener una licencia de conducir válida (NVDL) es un delito de tráfico. Por no hablar de un delito menor de segundo grado.

    Resultados de los casos de muestra de la NVDL

    Hemos defendido con éxito innumerables cargos similares en Florida desde 2011.

    • 19-CT-7157 Número de caso: DESESTIMADO
    • 19-CT-1208 Número de caso: DESESTIMADO
    • 18-CT-14034 Número de caso: DESESTIMADO

    Los resultados mostrados arriba son resultados de casos reales obtenidos recientemente por RHINO Lawyers. Estos resultados no son necesariamente representativos de todos los resultados obtenidos por RHINO Lawyers. Los hechos y circunstancias particulares de un posible cliente pueden diferir de los casos mencionados.

    RHINO Lawyers Can Help

    Así, RHINO Abogados equipo de defensa criminal no dejará ninguna piedra sin mover para ayudarle. De hecho, trabajaremos para descubrir todas las circunstancias únicas que afectan a su caso. Más importante aún, nuestro ex fiscal del estado aprovechará su conocimiento interno para ayudar a su caso.

    Por último, entendemos perfectamente su posición y podemos guiarle a través de un sistema moldeado por las fuerzas del orden, los jueces y los abogados durante décadas. Por lo tanto, habiendo ganado casos para nuestros clientes en circunstancias similares, sabemos lo que se necesita para luchar en su nombre.


    Dejemos que RHINO Abogados ex Fiscal del Estado y Fiscal empezar a ayudar a usted de inmediato, dándole asesoramiento gratuito sobre los hechos de su caso.

    Obtenga SU Análisis de caso gratis ahora enviándonos un mensaje de texto, comunicandose con nosotros en línea, completando el formulario a continuación o llamando al 844.246.1238.

    Penalties for Driving Without a Valid License in Florida

    Driving without a valid license in Florida is a misdemeanor offense. The penalties you face can vary depending on whether this is your first offense and the specific circumstances surrounding your case. Here’s a breakdown of the potential consequences:

    First Offense:

    • A fine up to $500
    • Hasta 60 días de cárcel
    • Driving privilege suspension

    Second or Subsequent Offenses:

    • Increased fines
    • Longer jail sentences (up to one year)
    • Potential designation as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO), which can lead to even harsher penalties, including a suspended license for an extended period.

    In addition to the above, you may also face:

    • Vehicle Impoundment – Your car could be towed and impounded until you can show proof of a valid license and registration.
    • Aumento de las tarifas de los seguros – A conviction for driving without a license can significantly increase your auto insurance premiums.
    • Difficulty Obtaining a License – If you never had a license, getting one after this offense may involve additional requirements or delays.

    Además, también es un delito conducir una motocicleta en Florida sin el apropiado endoso de motocicleta en su licencia. Así como, conducir un vehículo comercial sin la licencia de conducir comercial apropiada.

    Important Note: This information is for general knowledge only and does not constitute legal advice. The specific penalties you face will depend on the unique facts of your case. For a comprehensive understanding of the potential consequences and to explore your defense options, consult with a qualified traffic defense attorney.

    Get the Help You Need Today

    If you’ve been pulled over for driving without a valid license, contacting a Tampa Bay criminal defense attorney at RHINO Lawyers is crucial. We can help you navigate the legal process, explore potential defenses, and fight to minimize the consequences you face. Contact us today for a consulta gratuita.

    Driving Without a Valid License vs. Driving With a Suspended License

    Driving without a valid license and driving with a suspended license are both serious offenses, but they are not the same. These offenses have distinct penalties in Florida. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

    • Driving Without a Valid License – This happens when you never had a valid driver’s license or your license has expired and you haven’t renewed it. Driving without a valid license is typically a lesser offense than driving with a suspended license. The penalties may include fines, community service, or mandatory driving school attendance.
    • Driving with a Suspended License – This occurs when your driver’s license has been suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) due to various reasons, such as unpaid traffic tickets, driving under the influence (DUI), or accumulating too many points. Driving with a suspended license is a serious offense that can result in fines, jail time, and even vehicle impoundment.

    If you are facing charges for driving without a valid license, it is important to consult with an attorney to discuss your options. Don’t wait to contact RHINO Lawyers, call us today para una consulta gratuita.

    Possible Defenses to a Charge of Driving Without a Valid License

    While a charge of driving without a valid license can be serious, there may be defenses available depending on the specific circumstances of your case. Here are some common defenses:

    • Valid Out-of-State License – If you have a valid driver’s license from another state, you may be able to argue that you were lawfully operating a vehicle. However, this defense may only apply if your out-of-state license is valid and up to date.
    • Not Driving on a Public Road – If you were pulled over for driving on private property, such as a parking lot, you may be able to argue that you were not operating a motor vehicle on a public roadway. However, there are exceptions to this defense, and it’s important to consult with an attorney to determine if it applies to your case.
    • License Expired but Not Suspended – If your license was simply expired and not suspended, you may be able to avoid facing criminal charges. However, you will likely still be responsible for paying a fine and late renewal fee.
    • Mistaken Identity – If the officer mistakenly pulled you over and you were not actually driving without a valid license, you can contest the charges based on mistaken identity.
    • Officer Procedural Errors – In some cases, a technical error by the police officer, such as failing to properly administer a field sobriety test, may lead to the charges being dismissed.

    It’s important to remember that the defenses mentioned above are just some of the possibilities.  The best course of action is to consult with an attorney to discuss your specific case and determine what defense strategy is right for you.

    Cómo ayudaremos

    All in all, the amount of punishment the prosecutor seeks will depend on your priors. Particularly, it depends on the amount and severity of prior criminal convictions. If you’ve been charged with driving without a valid license, contacting a Tampa Bay criminal defense attorney at RHINO Lawyers is essential.

    In short, our Tampa criminal defense attorney will fight to make sure you are not severely punished for driving without a license. Above all, we will work with you to understand the reasons you don’t have a license (immigration status, DUIs anterioresetc.). Entonces, negociaremos para la indulgencia en su beneficio. De hecho, miraremos todos los aspectos de su parada de tráfico para los argumentos para tener su caso despedido.

    In all honesty, no valid driver’s license (NVDL) is a common but serious offense. Therefore, pleading guilty is not the answer. Thus, if you receive a ticket for driving without a license we can help. As a matter of fact, we have won hundreds of cases for our clients in similar circumstances. So, we know what it takes to fight on your behalf. Contact us today for a consulta gratuita.



    Dejemos que RHINO Abogados ex Fiscal del Estado y Fiscal empezar a ayudar a usted de inmediato, dándole asesoramiento gratuito sobre los hechos de su caso.

    Obtenga SU Análisis de caso gratis ahora enviándonos un mensaje de texto, comunicandose con nosotros en línea, completando el formulario a continuación o llamando al 844.246.1238.
